blizm + open source + agile = value



Blizm was founded by IT professionals who are passionate about technology and believe in the promise it holds to make life better. It was formed by individuals who are most content devising elegant solutions to challenging problems.

The founders have at various times throughout their careers crossed paths and shared dreams of pursuing their passions on their own terms in their own vision… and finally blizm was born.



Blizm solutions are based on Patterns, Frameworks and Open Source Software.

Patterns are proven solutions to recurring problems such as customer management, content management, security, data access, etc. Patterns capture the most crucial elements of a solution which are then honed over time through repeated application and collective experience.

Frameworks are software "skeletons" for particular types of applications, such as web applications, integration applications, and eCommerce applications. Frameworks based on multiple interlinked Patterns consist of proven code modules that serve recurring types/classes of applications and provide the foundations that keep project teams directed, focused and productive.

Open Source Software is computer software whose source code is available under a copyright license that permits users to study, change, and improve the software, and to redistribute it in modified or unmodified form. It is the most prominent example of open source development. Among the advantages – it’s free, very often better supported than commercial software and very often better quality than commercial software.

In the end, Blizm solutions offer better quality and tremendous cost savings.



Blizm promotes and practices the core tenets of agile software development, which include customer collaboration, test driven programming, refactoring, continuous integration and iterative development with frequent delivery of working software.

Blizm project management generally follows the scrum approach, whereby project requirements are defined as user stories and added to a product backlog. The development team and users frequently groom the backlog to adjust priorities and breakdown large stories into smaller stories. Product release cycles, defined as 1-4 week sprints, focus on a subset of the backlog. Status is conducted with a time-boxed daily standup meeting.

The Blizm approach identifies issues early and delivers value continuously.

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